Note This is an inital release of the Lua API for ADCH++ the information here is not completly done so check the source for inital API calls.

1. API Calls

AdcCommand AdcCommand()

Creates an ADC command.

AdcCommand AdcCommand(number Severity, number Error, string desc, string Type)

Creates an ADC command.

AdcCommand AdcCommand(number Command, string Type, number From = HUB_SID)

Creates an ADC command.

AdcCommand AdcCommand(string aLine)


AdcCommand AdcCommand(BufferPtr buffer)


void AdcCommand_escape(string s, string out)

Escapes every charater which needs it (space, newline, \\), result is in out.

void AdcCommand_appendSID(string str, number SID)

Appends the SID to the end of the source string

string AdcCommand_fromSID(number aSID)

Converts the given SID to string

number AdcCommand_toSID(string aSID)

Converts the given SID to number

string AdcCommand_fromField(number aField)

Converts the given field as a two-letter string

number AdcCommand_toField(string x)

Converts the given two-letter field to number

string AdcCommand_fromFourCC(number x)

Converts the given ADC command to string

number AdcCommand_toFourCC(string x)

Converts the given ADC command to number

number AdcCommand_toCMD(number a, number b, number c)

Converts the given command to a CMD number

number AdcCommand_toCMD(string cmd)

Converts the given command to a CMD number


Creates a new empty CID

CID CID(number data)

Creates a new CID from the given data

CID CID(string base32)

Creates a new CID from the given data

CID CID_generate()

Generates a new CID

void initialize(string configPath)

Initialize configuration.

void cleanup()

Release any resources held by adchpp. Before using any library routines again, you must call initalize.

void shutdown()

Shuts down the connections(?)

void startup()

Starts the connections(?)

string Encoder_fromBase32(string src)

Converts back the given string from BASE32

string Encoder_toBase32(string src)

Converts the given string to BASE32

Exception Exception(string aError = "")

Creates an exception

Exception ParseException(string message = "")

Parses an exception

ClientManager getCM()

Returns a ClientManager instance

LogManager getLM()

Returns a LogManager instance

PluginManager getPM()

Returns a PluginManager instance

SocketManager getSM()

Returns a SocketManager instance

Hub Hub()

Returns with the hub itself as a Hub type

size_t new_size_t(number size)

void delete_size_t(size_t)

number size_t_getitem(size_t size_t, number index)

void size_t_setitem(size_t size_t, number index, number value)

ServerInfo ServerInfo_create()

Creates a new ServerInfo object

SimpleXML SimpleXML(number numAttribs)

Creates a new SimpleXML object

void SimpleXML_escape(string aString, boolean aAttrib, boolean aLoading = false)

Escapes the given string

boolean SimpleXML_needsEscape(string aString, boolean aAttrib, boolean aLoading = false)

Returns true if the given string needs escape

wstring string(string data)

Creates a new string object

TByteVector TByteVector()

Creates a new TByteVector object

TByteVector TByteVector(number size)

Creates a new TByteVector object

TByteVector TByteVector(number size, number front)

Creates a new TByteVector object

TEntityList TEntityList()

Creates a new TEntityList object TEntityList TEntityList(number size)

Creates a new TEntityList object TEntityList TEntityList(number size, Entity Entity)

Creates a new TEntityList object

TigerHash TigerHash()

Creates a new TigerHash object

TServerInfoList TServerInfoList()

Creates a new TServerInfoList object

TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(number size)

Creates a new TServerInfoList object

TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(ServerInfo ServerInfo)

Creates a new TServerInfoList object

TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(number size, ServerInfo ServerInfo)

Creates a new TServerInfoList object

TStringList TStringList()

Creates a new TStringList object

TStringList TStringList(number size)

Creates a new TStringList object

TStringList TStringList(number size, string front)

Creates a new TStringList object

void Util_decodeUrl(string aUrl, string aServer, number aPort, string aFile)

string Util_emptyString

Returns with an empty string

string Util_formatBytes(string aString / number aBytes)

Formats the bytes to a reasonable form

string Util_formatSeconds(number aSec)

Formats the seconds to DD:HH:MM:SS form (days, hours, minutes, seconds)

string Util_formatTime(string msg, number t = os.time())

Formats the given time to the given form

string Util_getAppName()

Return with the full path of the executable (eg. C:\adch++\adchppd.exe)

string Util_getAppPath()

Returns with the current path (main folder)

string Util_getCfgPath()

Returns with the full path of the config folder (eg. C:\adch++\config\)

string Util_getLocalIp()

Returns with the IP address of the server

string Util_getOsVersion()

Returns with a short description of the system operating system

string Util_getShortTimeString()

Returns with the time in HH:MM format

string Util_getTimeString()

Returns with the time in HH:MM:SS format

void Util_initialize(string configPath)

Initializes the settings from the given path

number Util_rand()

Generates a random number in 0 - 4294967295 (2^32-1) range

number Util_rand(number max)

Generates a random number in 0 - (max-1) range

number Util_rand(number min, number max)

Generates a random number in (min+1) - (max-1) range

number Util_randd()

Generates a random number in 0 - 1 range

size_t Util_reasons

Value is a vector, use size_t_getitem to get it’s values (see this). Index is error code, value are the disconnects count

void Util_setCfgPath(string path)

Sets the config path to the given value

string Util_toAcp(string wString)

Converts the given string to ACP

void Util_tokenize(TStringList lst, string str, string sep)

Tokenizes the given string, and pushes the result into lst

wstring Util_toUnicode(string aString)

Converts the given string to Unicode

string Util_translateError(number aError)

Translates the given error code to string in locale-dependent language

number queueCalls


number queueBytes

Bytes in the queue

number sendCalls

How many times sending called

number sendBytes

Bytes sent

number recvCalls

How many times receiving called

number recvBytes

Bytes received

number startTime

2. Enumerations

Util_REASON_LAST = 20,
AdcCommand_ERROR_GENERIC = 0,
AdcCommand_ERROR_HUB_GENERIC = 10,
AdcCommand_ERROR_HUB_FULL = 11,
AdcCommand_ERROR_NICK_TAKEN = 22,
AdcCommand_ERROR_CID_TAKEN = 24,
AdcCommand_ERROR_REGGED_ONLY = 26,
AdcCommand_ERROR_INVALID_PID = 27,
AdcCommand_ERROR_PERM_BANNED = 31,
AdcCommand_ERROR_TEMP_BANNED = 32,
AdcCommand_ERROR_INF_MISSING = 43,
AdcCommand_ERROR_BAD_STATE = 44,
AdcCommand_ERROR_BAD_IP = 46,
AdcCommand_ERROR_SLOTS_FULL = 53,
AdcCommand_PRIORITY_LOW = 1,
AdcCommand_SEV_SUCCESS = 0,
AdcCommand_SEV_FATAL = 2,
Entity_FLAG_BOT = 1,
Entity_FLAG_OP = 4,
Entity_FLAG_SU = 8,
Entity_FLAG_OWNER = 16,
Entity_FLAG_HUB = 32,
Entity_FLAG_PASSWORD = 256,
Entity_FLAG_HIDDEN = 257,
Entity_FLAG_EXT_AWAY = 258,
Entity_FLAG_OK_IP = 260,
Entity_STATE_VERIFY = 2,
Entity_STATE_NORMAL = 3,
Entity_STATE_DATA = 4,

3. Constants

AdcCommand_CMD_CMD = 4476227,
AdcCommand_CMD_CTM = 5067843,
AdcCommand_CMD_GET = 5522759,
AdcCommand_CMD_GFI = 4802119,
AdcCommand_CMD_GPA = 4280391,
AdcCommand_CMD_INF = 4607561,
AdcCommand_CMD_MSG = 4674381,
AdcCommand_CMD_PAS = 5456208,
AdcCommand_CMD_QUI = 4805969,
AdcCommand_CMD_RCM = 5063506,
AdcCommand_CMD_RES = 5457234,
AdcCommand_CMD_SCH = 4735827,
AdcCommand_CMD_SID = 4475219,
AdcCommand_CMD_SND = 4476499,
AdcCommand_CMD_STA = 4281427,
AdcCommand_CMD_SUP = 5264723,
AdcCommand_HUB_SID = -1,
AdcCommand_TYPE_BROADCAST = "B",
AdcCommand_TYPE_CLIENT = "C",
AdcCommand_TYPE_DIRECT = "D",
AdcCommand_TYPE_ECHO = "E",
AdcCommand_TYPE_FEATURE = "F",
AdcCommand_TYPE_HUB = "H",
AdcCommand_TYPE_INFO = "I",
AdcCommand_TYPE_UDP = "U",
CID_SIZE = 24,
TigerHash_BITS = 192,
TigerHash_BYTES = 24,

4. Types


AdcCommand addParam(string name, string value)

Add the given param + value

AdcCommand addParam(string str)

Adds the given param, value is emtpy string

boolean delParam(string name, number start)

Deletes the given param (just one, of there is more), starting from the given value

BufferPtr getBuffer()

Returns with the command’s buffer

number getCommand()

Returns with the associated command as number (see this)

string getCommandString()

Returns with the associated command as string

string getFeatures()

Returns with the features as string

number getFrom()

Returns with the SID of the user who sent the command (2^32-1 == hub)

string getParam(number n)

Returns with the given param wihich is at the given position

string getParam(string name, number start)

Return a named parameter where the name is a two-letter code

TStringList getParameters()

Returns with all of the parameters as a TStringList object

Priority getPriority()

Returns with the command’s priority

number getTo()

Returns the target SID of the command as number

string getType()

Returns with the given command’s type (see this)

boolean hasFlag(string name, number start)

Returns true if the command has a parameter with the given conditions

void parse(string str)

The hub parses the given command

void resetBuffer()

Resets the command’s buffer

void setFrom(number aFrom)

Sets the commands sender

void setPriority(Priority priority_)

Sets the commands priority

void setTo(number aTo)

Sets the commands target

string toString()

Returns with the whole command as string

Defined operators:
== - Returns true, if the two AdcCommand object is the same
Table 1: Bot

boolean addSupports(string supports)

Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before.

Bot asBot()

Returns with the bot as Bot (dummy)

Client asClient()

Returns with the bot as Client

Hub asHub()

Returns with the bot as Hub

boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set)

CID getCID()

Returns with the bot’s CID

string getField(string name)

Returns with the given fields value

BufferPtr getINF()

Returns with the bot’s INF buffer

number getSID()

Returns with the bot’s SID

State getState()

Returns with the bot’s state

BufferPtr getSUP()

Returns with the bot’s SUP buffer

TStringList getSupportList()

Returns with the bot’s supports from SUP command.

boolean hasField(string name)

Returns true if the bot has the given field in it’s INF

boolean hasSupport(number feature)

Returns true if the bot supports the given feature

boolean isAnySet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set

boolean isFiltered(string features)

Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages)

boolean isSet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set

boolean removeSupports(number feature)

Removes the given feature

void send(AdcCommand cmd)

Sends the given command to the bot

void setCID(CID cid_)

Sets the bot’s CID

void setField(string name, string value)

Sets the bot’s field to the given value

void setFlag(number aFlag)

Sets the given flag

void setState(State state_)

Sets the bot’s state

void unsetFlag(number aFlag)

Unsets the given flag

void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the fields from the given command

void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the supports from the given command

Table 2: CID

string data()

Returns with the CID’s data

boolean isZero()

Returns true if the CID is zero

string toBase32()

Returns with the BASE32 encoded format of the CID

number toHash()

Converts the given CID to number

Defined operators:
== - Returns true, if the two AdcCommand object is the same
<,>,<=,>= - Standard comparsion operators for CID's
Table 3: Client

boolean addSupports(string supports)

Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before.

Bot asBot()

Returns with the client as Bot

Client asClient()

Returns with the client as Client (dummy)

Hub asHub()

Returns with the bot as Hub

void disconnect(Reason reason)

Disconnects the client with the given reason

boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set)

CID getCID()

Returns with the client’s CID

string getField(string name)

Returns with the given fields value

BufferPtr getINF()

Returns with the client’s INF buffer

string getIp()

Returns with the client’s IP address

number getQueuedBytes()

Returns with the queued bytes

number getSID() - Returns with the client’s SID

ManagedSocketPtr getSocket()

Returns with the socket of the client

State getState()

Returns with the client’s state

BufferPtr getSUP()

Returns with the client’s SUP buffer

TStringList getSupportList()

Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command.

boolean hasField(string name)

Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF

boolean hasSupport(number feature)

Returns true if the client supports the given feature

boolean isAnySet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set

boolean isFiltered(string features)

Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages)

boolean isFlooding(number addSeconds)

Returns true if the client flood the hub with commands

boolean isSet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set

boolean isTcpActive()

Returns true if the client has I4 field

boolean isUdpActive()

Returns true if the client has U4 field

boolean removeSupports(number feature)

Removes the given feature

void send(AdcCommand cmd)

Sends the given command to the client

void setCID(CID cid_)

Sets the client’s CID

void setDataMode(DataFunction handler, number aBytes)

Sets data mode for aBytes bytes

void setField(string name, string value)

Sets the client’s field to the given value

void setFlag(number aFlag)

Sets the given flag

void setState(State state_)

Sets the client’s state

void unsetFlag(number aFlag)

Unsets the given flag

void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the fields from the given command

void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd)

Table 4: ClientManager

boolean checkFlooding(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Returns true, if the peer floods the hub with the given command

Bot createBot(function dummy)

Creates a new bot, parameter is an empty function

void enterIdentify(Entity c, boolean sendData)

Enter IDENTIFY state. Call this if you stop the SUP command when in PROTOCOL state.

boolean enterNormal(Entity c, boolean sendData, boolean sendOwnInf)

Enter NORMAL state. Call this if you stop an INF of a password-less client in IDENTIFY state or a PAS in VERIFY state. Returns true if login was successful.

TByteVector enterVerify(Entity c, boolean sendData)

Enter VERIFY state. Call this if you stop an INF in the IDENTIFY state and want to check a password. Returns with a ByteVector which value is the CID’s data

Entity findByNick(string nick)

Returns the entity which has the given nickname

TEntityList getEntities()

Returns with all avaible entities

Entity getEntity(number aSid)

Returns with the entity associated with a certain SID, nil if not found

number getQueuedBytes()

Returns with the queued bytes of all clients

number getSID(string nick / CID cid)

Returns with the SID of entity or 0 if not found

void send(AdcCommand cmd)

Sends the command according to its type

void sendTo(BufferPtr buffer, number to)

Sends the buffer to a single client regardless of type

void sendToAll(BufferPtr buffer)

Sends the buffer to all connected entities

void setState(Entity c, State newState)

Update the state of c (this fires signalState as well)

userdata signalBadLine(Entity c, string command)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a bad command is received.

userdata signalConnected(Entity c)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user connected to the hub.

userdata signalDisconnected(Entity c, string command)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user is disconnected from the hub.

userdata signalReceive(Entity c, AdcCommand command,boolean ok)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a command is received.

userdata signalSend(Entity c, string command)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a command is sent to a user.

userdata signalState(Entity c, number oldState)

Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user steps into a new state.

boolean verifyCID(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Verifies the given AdcCommand’s CID (it’s not used by other user, has PID & CID and they match).

boolean verifyINF(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Verifies the IP, CID and nick fields of the command.

boolean verifyIp(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Verifies the given user’s IP (IP is the user’s IP, or if, then replaces it with it).

boolean verifyNick(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Verifies the given user’s nickname (Contains valid characters, new nick isn’t taken and not empty).

boolean verifyPassword(Client c, string password, TByteVector salt)

Verifies that the password is valid.

boolean verifySUP(Client c, AdcCommand cmd)

Verifies the given user’s supports (has BASE and TIGR fields).

Table 5: Entity

boolean addSupports(string supports)

Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before.

Bot asBot()

Returns with the client as Bot.

Client asClient()

Returns with the client as Client.

Hub asHub()

Returns with the bot as Hub.

boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set).

CID getCID()

Returns with the client’s CID.

string getField(string name)

Returns with the given fields value.

BufferPtr getINF()

Returns with the client’s INF buffer.

number getSID()

Returns with the client’s SID.

State getState()

Returns with the client’s state.

BufferPtr getSUP()

Returns with the client’s SUP buffer.

TStringList getSupportList()

Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command.

boolean hasField(string name)

Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF.

boolean hasSupport(number feature)

Returns true if the client supports the given feature.

boolean isAnySet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set.

boolean isFiltered(string features)

Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages).

boolean isSet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set.

boolean removeSupports(number feature)

Removes the given feature.

void send(AdcCommand cmd)

Sends the given command to the client.

void setCID(CID cid_)

Sets the client’s CID.

void setField(string name, string value)

Sets the client’s field to the given value.

void setFlag(number aFlag)

Sets the given flag.

void setState(State state_)

Sets the client’s state.

void unsetFlag(number aFlag)

Unsets the given flag.

void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the fields from the given command.

void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the supports from the given command.

Table 6: Exception

string getError()

Returns with the errormessage

string what()

Returns with the errormessage

Table 7: Hub

boolean addSupports(string supports)

Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before.

Bot asBot()

Returns with the client as Bot.

Client asClient()

Returns with the client as Client.

Hub asHub()

Returns with the bot as Hub (dummy).

boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set).

CID getCID()

Returns with the client’s CID.

string getField(string name)

Returns with the given fields value.

BufferPtr getINF()

Returns with the client’s INF buffer.

number getSID()

Returns with the client’s SID.

State getState()

Returns with the client’s state.

BufferPtr getSUP()

Returns with the client’s SUP buffer.

TStringList getSupportList()

Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command.

boolean hasField(string name)

Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF.

boolean hasSupport(number feature)

Returns true if the client supports the given feature.

boolean isAnySet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set.

boolean isFiltered(string features)

Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages).

boolean isSet(number aFlag)

Returns true if the given flag is set.

boolean removeSupports(number feature)

Removes the given feature.

void send(AdcCommand cmd)

Sends the given command to the client.

void setCID(CID cid_)

Sets the client’s CID.

void setField(string name, string value)

Sets the client’s field to the given value.

void setFlag(number aFlag)

Sets the given flag.

void setState(State state_)

Sets the client’s state.

void unsetFlag(number aFlag)

Unsets the given flag.

void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the fields from the given command.

void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd)

Updates the supports from the given command.

getEnabled = function: 00C09FC0,
getLogFile = function: 00C09F30,
log = function: 00C09EA0,
setEnabled = function: 00C09F78,
setLogFile = function: 00C09F10,
disconnect = function: 00C0C278,
release = function: 00C0C2E0,
getError = function: 00C0C570,
what = function: 00C0C5B8,
attention = function: 00C0C720,
getPluginList = function: 00C176B8,
getPluginPath = function: 00C176D8,
onCommand = function: 00C17720,
boolean secure
string ip
number port
TLSInfo TLSParams
__deref__ = function: 00C277B8,
create = function: 00C277F8,
secure = function: 00C277D8,
string ip
number port
TLSInfo TLSParams
addAttrib = function: 00C25C50,
addChildAttrib = function: 00C25C70,
addTag = function: 00C25BE0,
findChild = function: 00C25ED0,
fromXML = function: 00C26090,
getBoolChildAttrib = function: 00C26050,
getChildAttrib = function: 00C25F60,
getChildData = function: 00C25F18,
getData = function: 00C25CB0,
getIntChildAttrib = function: 00C25FB0,
getLongLongChildAttrib = function: 00C26000,
resetCurrentChild = function: 00C25E88,
stepIn = function: 00C25CF0,
stepOut = function: 00C25E38,
toXML = function: 00C260D0,
setServers = function: 00C26240,
assign = function: 00C27C68,
c_str = function: 00C27C08,
data = function: 00C27C28,
empty = function: 00C27BC8,
length = function: 00C27B88,
size = function: 00C27B20,
__getitem = function: 00C18CB8,
__setitem = function: 00C18EE0,
back = function: 00C18C98,
clear = function: 00C18C18,
empty = function: 00C18BF8,
front = function: 00C18C78,
max_size = function: 00C129E8,
pop_back = function: 00C18C58,
push_back = function: 00C18C38,
size = function: 00C129A0,
__getitem = function: 00C07480,
__setitem = function: 00C074C8,
back = function: 00C07438,
clear = function: 00C07248,
empty = function: 00C07208,
front = function: 00C073F8,
max_size = function: 00C071E8,
pop_back = function: 00C073B8,
push_back = function: 00C07268,
size = function: 00C07178,
finalize = function: 00C26CA0,
update = function: 00C26C30,
TLSInfo get/set
string cert
string dh
string pkey
string trustedPath
__getitem = function: 00C2E4E8,
__setitem = function: 00C2E710,
back = function: 00C2E4C8,
clear = function: 00C2E448,
empty = function: 00C2E428,
front = function: 00C2E4A8,
max_size = function: 00C2E408,
pop_back = function: 00C2E488,
push_back = function: 00C2E468,
size = function: 00C07670,
__getitem = function: 00C123F0,
__setitem = function: 00C12618,
back = function: 00C123D0,
clear = function: 00C12350,
empty = function: 00C12330,
front = function: 00C123B0,
max_size = function: 00C12310,
pop_back = function: 00C12390,
push_back = function: 00C12370,
size = function: 00C122C8,