This is an inital release of the Lua API for ADCH++ the information here is not completly done so check the source for inital API calls. |
1. API Calls
AdcCommand AdcCommand() |
Creates an ADC command. |
AdcCommand AdcCommand(number Severity, number Error, string desc, string Type) |
Creates an ADC command. |
AdcCommand AdcCommand(number Command, string Type, number From = HUB_SID) |
Creates an ADC command. |
AdcCommand AdcCommand(string aLine) |
Parses |
AdcCommand AdcCommand(BufferPtr buffer) |
Parses |
void AdcCommand_escape(string s, string out) |
Escapes every charater which needs it (space, newline, \\), result is in out. |
void AdcCommand_appendSID(string str, number SID) |
Appends the SID to the end of the source string |
string AdcCommand_fromSID(number aSID) |
Converts the given SID to string |
number AdcCommand_toSID(string aSID) |
Converts the given SID to number |
string AdcCommand_fromField(number aField) |
Converts the given field as a two-letter string |
number AdcCommand_toField(string x) |
Converts the given two-letter field to number |
string AdcCommand_fromFourCC(number x) |
Converts the given ADC command to string |
number AdcCommand_toFourCC(string x) |
Converts the given ADC command to number |
number AdcCommand_toCMD(number a, number b, number c) |
Converts the given command to a CMD number |
number AdcCommand_toCMD(string cmd) |
Converts the given command to a CMD number |
Creates a new empty CID |
CID CID(number data) |
Creates a new CID from the given data |
CID CID(string base32) |
Creates a new CID from the given data |
CID CID_generate() |
Generates a new CID |
void initialize(string configPath) |
Initialize configuration. |
void cleanup() |
Release any resources held by adchpp. Before using any library routines again, you must call initalize. |
void shutdown() |
Shuts down the connections(?) |
void startup() |
Starts the connections(?) |
string Encoder_fromBase32(string src) |
Converts back the given string from BASE32 |
string Encoder_toBase32(string src) |
Converts the given string to BASE32 |
Exception Exception(string aError = "") |
Creates an exception |
Exception ParseException(string message = "") |
Parses an exception |
ClientManager getCM() |
Returns a ClientManager instance |
LogManager getLM() |
Returns a LogManager instance |
PluginManager getPM() |
Returns a PluginManager instance |
SocketManager getSM() |
Returns a SocketManager instance |
Hub Hub() |
Returns with the hub itself as a Hub type |
size_t new_size_t(number size) |
void delete_size_t(size_t) |
number size_t_getitem(size_t size_t, number index) |
void size_t_setitem(size_t size_t, number index, number value) |
ServerInfo ServerInfo_create() |
Creates a new ServerInfo object |
SimpleXML SimpleXML(number numAttribs) |
Creates a new SimpleXML object |
void SimpleXML_escape(string aString, boolean aAttrib, boolean aLoading = false) |
Escapes the given string |
boolean SimpleXML_needsEscape(string aString, boolean aAttrib, boolean aLoading = false) |
Returns true if the given string needs escape |
wstring string(string data) |
Creates a new string object |
TByteVector TByteVector() |
Creates a new TByteVector object |
TByteVector TByteVector(number size) |
Creates a new TByteVector object |
TByteVector TByteVector(number size, number front) |
Creates a new TByteVector object |
TEntityList TEntityList() |
Creates a new TEntityList object TEntityList TEntityList(number size) |
Creates a new TEntityList object TEntityList TEntityList(number size, Entity Entity) |
Creates a new TEntityList object |
TigerHash TigerHash() |
Creates a new TigerHash object |
TServerInfoList TServerInfoList() |
Creates a new TServerInfoList object |
TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(number size) |
Creates a new TServerInfoList object |
TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(ServerInfo ServerInfo) |
Creates a new TServerInfoList object |
TServerInfoList TServerInfoList(number size, ServerInfo ServerInfo) |
Creates a new TServerInfoList object |
TStringList TStringList() |
Creates a new TStringList object |
TStringList TStringList(number size) |
Creates a new TStringList object |
TStringList TStringList(number size, string front) |
Creates a new TStringList object |
void Util_decodeUrl(string aUrl, string aServer, number aPort, string aFile) |
string Util_emptyString |
Returns with an empty string |
string Util_formatBytes(string aString / number aBytes) |
Formats the bytes to a reasonable form |
string Util_formatSeconds(number aSec) |
Formats the seconds to DD:HH:MM:SS form (days, hours, minutes, seconds) |
string Util_formatTime(string msg, number t = os.time()) |
Formats the given time to the given form |
string Util_getAppName() |
Return with the full path of the executable (eg. C:\adch++\adchppd.exe) |
string Util_getAppPath() |
Returns with the current path (main folder) |
string Util_getCfgPath() |
Returns with the full path of the config folder (eg. C:\adch++\config\) |
string Util_getLocalIp() |
Returns with the IP address of the server |
string Util_getOsVersion() |
Returns with a short description of the system operating system |
string Util_getShortTimeString() |
Returns with the time in HH:MM format |
string Util_getTimeString() |
Returns with the time in HH:MM:SS format |
void Util_initialize(string configPath) |
Initializes the settings from the given path |
number Util_rand() |
Generates a random number in 0 - 4294967295 (2^32-1) range |
number Util_rand(number max) |
Generates a random number in 0 - (max-1) range |
number Util_rand(number min, number max) |
Generates a random number in (min+1) - (max-1) range |
number Util_randd() |
Generates a random number in 0 - 1 range |
size_t Util_reasons |
Value is a vector, use size_t_getitem to get it’s values (see this). Index is error code, value are the disconnects count |
void Util_setCfgPath(string path) |
Sets the config path to the given value |
string Util_toAcp(string wString) |
Converts the given string to ACP |
void Util_tokenize(TStringList lst, string str, string sep) |
Tokenizes the given string, and pushes the result into lst |
wstring Util_toUnicode(string aString) |
Converts the given string to Unicode |
string Util_translateError(number aError) |
Translates the given error code to string in locale-dependent language |
number queueCalls |
Calls |
number queueBytes |
Bytes in the queue |
number sendCalls |
How many times sending called |
number sendBytes |
Bytes sent |
number recvCalls |
How many times receiving called |
number recvBytes |
Bytes received |
number startTime |
2. Enumerations
AdcCommand_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0, AdcCommand_PRIORITY_LOW = 1, AdcCommand_PRIORITY_IGNORE = 2,
AdcCommand_SEV_SUCCESS = 0, AdcCommand_SEV_RECOVERABLE = 1, AdcCommand_SEV_FATAL = 2,
Entity_FLAG_BOT = 1, Entity_FLAG_REGISTERED = 2, Entity_FLAG_OP = 4, Entity_FLAG_SU = 8, Entity_FLAG_OWNER = 16, Entity_FLAG_HUB = 32, Entity_FLAG_PASSWORD = 256, Entity_FLAG_HIDDEN = 257, Entity_FLAG_EXT_AWAY = 258, Entity_FLAG_OK_IP = 260,
Entity_STATE_PROTOCOL = 0, Entity_STATE_IDENTIFY = 1, Entity_STATE_VERIFY = 2, Entity_STATE_NORMAL = 3, Entity_STATE_DATA = 4,
3. Constants
AdcCommand_CMD_CMD = 4476227, AdcCommand_CMD_CTM = 5067843, AdcCommand_CMD_GET = 5522759, AdcCommand_CMD_GFI = 4802119, AdcCommand_CMD_GPA = 4280391, AdcCommand_CMD_INF = 4607561, AdcCommand_CMD_MSG = 4674381, AdcCommand_CMD_PAS = 5456208, AdcCommand_CMD_QUI = 4805969, AdcCommand_CMD_RCM = 5063506, AdcCommand_CMD_RES = 5457234, AdcCommand_CMD_SCH = 4735827, AdcCommand_CMD_SID = 4475219, AdcCommand_CMD_SND = 4476499, AdcCommand_CMD_STA = 4281427, AdcCommand_CMD_SUP = 5264723,
AdcCommand_HUB_SID = -1,
AdcCommand_TYPE_BROADCAST = "B", AdcCommand_TYPE_CLIENT = "C", AdcCommand_TYPE_DIRECT = "D", AdcCommand_TYPE_ECHO = "E", AdcCommand_TYPE_FEATURE = "F", AdcCommand_TYPE_HUB = "H", AdcCommand_TYPE_INFO = "I", AdcCommand_TYPE_UDP = "U",
CID_BASE32_SIZE = 39, CID_SIZE = 24,
TigerHash_BITS = 192, TigerHash_BYTES = 24,
4. Types
AdcCommand |
AdcCommand addParam(string name, string value) |
Add the given param + value |
AdcCommand addParam(string str) |
Adds the given param, value is emtpy string |
boolean delParam(string name, number start) |
Deletes the given param (just one, of there is more), starting from the given value |
BufferPtr getBuffer() |
Returns with the command’s buffer |
number getCommand() |
Returns with the associated command as number (see this) |
string getCommandString() |
Returns with the associated command as string |
string getFeatures() |
Returns with the features as string |
number getFrom() |
Returns with the SID of the user who sent the command (2^32-1 == hub) |
string getParam(number n) |
Returns with the given param wihich is at the given position |
string getParam(string name, number start) |
Return a named parameter where the name is a two-letter code |
TStringList getParameters() |
Returns with all of the parameters as a TStringList object |
Priority getPriority() |
Returns with the command’s priority |
number getTo() |
Returns the target SID of the command as number |
string getType() |
Returns with the given command’s type (see this) |
boolean hasFlag(string name, number start) |
Returns true if the command has a parameter with the given conditions |
void parse(string str) |
The hub parses the given command |
void resetBuffer() |
Resets the command’s buffer |
void setFrom(number aFrom) |
Sets the commands sender |
void setPriority(Priority priority_) |
Sets the commands priority |
void setTo(number aTo) |
Sets the commands target |
string toString() |
Returns with the whole command as string |
== - Returns true, if the two AdcCommand object is the same
boolean addSupports(string supports) |
Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before. |
Bot asBot() |
Returns with the bot as Bot (dummy) |
Client asClient() |
Returns with the bot as Client |
Hub asHub() |
Returns with the bot as Hub |
boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set) |
CID getCID() |
Returns with the bot’s CID |
string getField(string name) |
Returns with the given fields value |
BufferPtr getINF() |
Returns with the bot’s INF buffer |
number getSID() |
Returns with the bot’s SID |
State getState() |
Returns with the bot’s state |
BufferPtr getSUP() |
Returns with the bot’s SUP buffer |
TStringList getSupportList() |
Returns with the bot’s supports from SUP command. |
boolean hasField(string name) |
Returns true if the bot has the given field in it’s INF |
boolean hasSupport(number feature) |
Returns true if the bot supports the given feature |
boolean isAnySet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set |
boolean isFiltered(string features) |
Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages) |
boolean isSet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set |
boolean removeSupports(number feature) |
Removes the given feature |
void send(AdcCommand cmd) |
Sends the given command to the bot |
void setCID(CID cid_) |
Sets the bot’s CID |
void setField(string name, string value) |
Sets the bot’s field to the given value |
void setFlag(number aFlag) |
Sets the given flag |
void setState(State state_) |
Sets the bot’s state |
void unsetFlag(number aFlag) |
Unsets the given flag |
void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the fields from the given command |
void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the supports from the given command |
string data() |
Returns with the CID’s data |
boolean isZero() |
Returns true if the CID is zero |
string toBase32() |
Returns with the BASE32 encoded format of the CID |
number toHash() |
Converts the given CID to number |
== - Returns true, if the two AdcCommand object is the same <,>,<=,>= - Standard comparsion operators for CID's
boolean addSupports(string supports) |
Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before. |
Bot asBot() |
Returns with the client as Bot |
Client asClient() |
Returns with the client as Client (dummy) |
Hub asHub() |
Returns with the bot as Hub |
void disconnect(Reason reason) |
Disconnects the client with the given reason |
boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set) |
CID getCID() |
Returns with the client’s CID |
string getField(string name) |
Returns with the given fields value |
BufferPtr getINF() |
Returns with the client’s INF buffer |
string getIp() |
Returns with the client’s IP address |
number getQueuedBytes() |
Returns with the queued bytes |
number getSID() - Returns with the client’s SID |
ManagedSocketPtr getSocket() |
Returns with the socket of the client |
State getState() |
Returns with the client’s state |
BufferPtr getSUP() |
Returns with the client’s SUP buffer |
TStringList getSupportList() |
Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command. |
boolean hasField(string name) |
Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF |
boolean hasSupport(number feature) |
Returns true if the client supports the given feature |
boolean isAnySet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set |
boolean isFiltered(string features) |
Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages) |
boolean isFlooding(number addSeconds) |
Returns true if the client flood the hub with commands |
boolean isSet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set |
boolean isTcpActive() |
Returns true if the client has I4 field |
boolean isUdpActive() |
Returns true if the client has U4 field |
boolean removeSupports(number feature) |
Removes the given feature |
void send(AdcCommand cmd) |
Sends the given command to the client |
void setCID(CID cid_) |
Sets the client’s CID |
void setDataMode(DataFunction handler, number aBytes) |
Sets data mode for aBytes bytes |
void setField(string name, string value) |
Sets the client’s field to the given value |
void setFlag(number aFlag) |
Sets the given flag |
void setState(State state_) |
Sets the client’s state |
void unsetFlag(number aFlag) |
Unsets the given flag |
void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the fields from the given command |
void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd) |
boolean checkFlooding(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Returns true, if the peer floods the hub with the given command |
Bot createBot(function dummy) |
Creates a new bot, parameter is an empty function |
void enterIdentify(Entity c, boolean sendData) |
Enter IDENTIFY state. Call this if you stop the SUP command when in PROTOCOL state. |
boolean enterNormal(Entity c, boolean sendData, boolean sendOwnInf) |
Enter NORMAL state. Call this if you stop an INF of a password-less client in IDENTIFY state or a PAS in VERIFY state. Returns true if login was successful. |
TByteVector enterVerify(Entity c, boolean sendData) |
Enter VERIFY state. Call this if you stop an INF in the IDENTIFY state and want to check a password. Returns with a ByteVector which value is the CID’s data |
Entity findByNick(string nick) |
Returns the entity which has the given nickname |
TEntityList getEntities() |
Returns with all avaible entities |
Entity getEntity(number aSid) |
Returns with the entity associated with a certain SID, nil if not found |
number getQueuedBytes() |
Returns with the queued bytes of all clients |
number getSID(string nick / CID cid) |
Returns with the SID of entity or 0 if not found |
void send(AdcCommand cmd) |
Sends the command according to its type |
void sendTo(BufferPtr buffer, number to) |
Sends the buffer to a single client regardless of type |
void sendToAll(BufferPtr buffer) |
Sends the buffer to all connected entities |
void setState(Entity c, State newState) |
Update the state of c (this fires signalState as well) |
userdata signalBadLine(Entity c, string command) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a bad command is received. |
userdata signalConnected(Entity c) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user connected to the hub. |
userdata signalDisconnected(Entity c, string command) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user is disconnected from the hub. |
userdata signalReceive(Entity c, AdcCommand command,boolean ok) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a command is received. |
userdata signalSend(Entity c, string command) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a command is sent to a user. |
userdata signalState(Entity c, number oldState) |
Returns with an userdata with connect field, which parameter is a Lua function. It will be called every time a user steps into a new state. |
boolean verifyCID(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Verifies the given AdcCommand’s CID (it’s not used by other user, has PID & CID and they match). |
boolean verifyINF(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Verifies the IP, CID and nick fields of the command. |
boolean verifyIp(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Verifies the given user’s IP (IP is the user’s IP, or if, then replaces it with it). |
boolean verifyNick(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Verifies the given user’s nickname (Contains valid characters, new nick isn’t taken and not empty). |
boolean verifyPassword(Client c, string password, TByteVector salt) |
Verifies that the password is valid. |
boolean verifySUP(Client c, AdcCommand cmd) |
Verifies the given user’s supports (has BASE and TIGR fields). |
boolean addSupports(string supports) |
Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before. |
Bot asBot() |
Returns with the client as Bot. |
Client asClient() |
Returns with the client as Client. |
Hub asHub() |
Returns with the bot as Hub. |
boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set). |
CID getCID() |
Returns with the client’s CID. |
string getField(string name) |
Returns with the given fields value. |
BufferPtr getINF() |
Returns with the client’s INF buffer. |
number getSID() |
Returns with the client’s SID. |
State getState() |
Returns with the client’s state. |
BufferPtr getSUP() |
Returns with the client’s SUP buffer. |
TStringList getSupportList() |
Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command. |
boolean hasField(string name) |
Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF. |
boolean hasSupport(number feature) |
Returns true if the client supports the given feature. |
boolean isAnySet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set. |
boolean isFiltered(string features) |
Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages). |
boolean isSet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set. |
boolean removeSupports(number feature) |
Removes the given feature. |
void send(AdcCommand cmd) |
Sends the given command to the client. |
void setCID(CID cid_) |
Sets the client’s CID. |
void setField(string name, string value) |
Sets the client’s field to the given value. |
void setFlag(number aFlag) |
Sets the given flag. |
void setState(State state_) |
Sets the client’s state. |
void unsetFlag(number aFlag) |
Unsets the given flag. |
void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the fields from the given command. |
void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the supports from the given command. |
string getError() |
Returns with the errormessage |
string what() |
Returns with the errormessage |
boolean addSupports(string supports) |
Adds the given supports to the user’s supports list, if it hasn’t been added before. |
Bot asBot() |
Returns with the client as Bot. |
Client asClient() |
Returns with the client as Client. |
Hub asHub() |
Returns with the bot as Hub (dummy). |
boolean getAllFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Adds any flags that has been updated to the given AdcCommand (type etc is not set). |
CID getCID() |
Returns with the client’s CID. |
string getField(string name) |
Returns with the given fields value. |
BufferPtr getINF() |
Returns with the client’s INF buffer. |
number getSID() |
Returns with the client’s SID. |
State getState() |
Returns with the client’s state. |
BufferPtr getSUP() |
Returns with the client’s SUP buffer. |
TStringList getSupportList() |
Returns with the client’s supports from SUP command. |
boolean hasField(string name) |
Returns true if the client has the given field in it’s INF. |
boolean hasSupport(number feature) |
Returns true if the client supports the given feature. |
boolean isAnySet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set. |
boolean isFiltered(string features) |
Returns true if the given features are in the filter list (for F messages). |
boolean isSet(number aFlag) |
Returns true if the given flag is set. |
boolean removeSupports(number feature) |
Removes the given feature. |
void send(AdcCommand cmd) |
Sends the given command to the client. |
void setCID(CID cid_) |
Sets the client’s CID. |
void setField(string name, string value) |
Sets the client’s field to the given value. |
void setFlag(number aFlag) |
Sets the given flag. |
void setState(State state_) |
Sets the client’s state. |
void unsetFlag(number aFlag) |
Unsets the given flag. |
void updateFields(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the fields from the given command. |
void updateSupports(AdcCommand cmd) |
Updates the supports from the given command. |
getEnabled = function: 00C09FC0, getLogFile = function: 00C09F30, log = function: 00C09EA0, setEnabled = function: 00C09F78, setLogFile = function: 00C09F10,
disconnect = function: 00C0C278, release = function: 00C0C2E0,
getError = function: 00C0C570, what = function: 00C0C5B8,
attention = function: 00C0C720, getPluginList = function: 00C176B8, getPluginPath = function: 00C176D8, onCommand = function: 00C17720,
boolean secure string ip number port TLSInfo TLSParams
__deref__ = function: 00C277B8, create = function: 00C277F8, secure = function: 00C277D8, string ip number port TLSInfo TLSParams
addAttrib = function: 00C25C50, addChildAttrib = function: 00C25C70, addTag = function: 00C25BE0, findChild = function: 00C25ED0, fromXML = function: 00C26090, getBoolChildAttrib = function: 00C26050, getChildAttrib = function: 00C25F60, getChildData = function: 00C25F18, getData = function: 00C25CB0, getIntChildAttrib = function: 00C25FB0, getLongLongChildAttrib = function: 00C26000, resetCurrentChild = function: 00C25E88, stepIn = function: 00C25CF0, stepOut = function: 00C25E38, toXML = function: 00C260D0,
setServers = function: 00C26240,
assign = function: 00C27C68, c_str = function: 00C27C08, data = function: 00C27C28, empty = function: 00C27BC8, length = function: 00C27B88, size = function: 00C27B20,
__getitem = function: 00C18CB8, __setitem = function: 00C18EE0, back = function: 00C18C98, clear = function: 00C18C18, empty = function: 00C18BF8, front = function: 00C18C78, max_size = function: 00C129E8, pop_back = function: 00C18C58, push_back = function: 00C18C38, size = function: 00C129A0,
__getitem = function: 00C07480, __setitem = function: 00C074C8, back = function: 00C07438, clear = function: 00C07248, empty = function: 00C07208, front = function: 00C073F8, max_size = function: 00C071E8, pop_back = function: 00C073B8, push_back = function: 00C07268, size = function: 00C07178,
finalize = function: 00C26CA0, update = function: 00C26C30,
string cert string dh string pkey string trustedPath
__getitem = function: 00C2E4E8, __setitem = function: 00C2E710, back = function: 00C2E4C8, clear = function: 00C2E448, empty = function: 00C2E428, front = function: 00C2E4A8, max_size = function: 00C2E408, pop_back = function: 00C2E488, push_back = function: 00C2E468, size = function: 00C07670,
__getitem = function: 00C123F0, __setitem = function: 00C12618, back = function: 00C123D0, clear = function: 00C12350, empty = function: 00C12330, front = function: 00C123B0, max_size = function: 00C12310, pop_back = function: 00C12390, push_back = function: 00C12370, size = function: 00C122C8,